Appointment of Dr. Stella Ng to CIPE

We are delighted to announce the appointment of Stella Ng, PhD, Reg. CASLPO, as the newest member of the Centre for Interprofessional Education (CIPE) in the role of Education Scientist, effective December 1, 2020. This represents a collaboration and shared role between the CIPE and the Centre for Faculty Development (CFD), two of the University of […]
Autumn 2020 Newsletter

Read the latest AERO Autumn newsletter featuring: i) AERO Profiles – Meet our Scientists, ii) Kudos, iii) Featured Articles, iV) AERO: What does it stand for? and v) Conference and Grant Opportunities. AERO: Mobilizing education science Welcome to our autumn newsletter We hope you are managing okay during this continually challenging time. We are here […]
Summer 2020 Newsletter

Read the latest AERO newsletter featuring: i) AERO Profiles – Meet our Scientists, ii) Kudos, iii) Featured Articles, and iv) Conference and Grant Opportunities. AERO: Mobilizing education science Welcome to our autumn newsletter Welcome to the new look for our newsletter! In this edition, we launch our regular ‘AERO Profiles’ feature and get to know Dr. […]
QUILT at SMH Clin Epi Rounds

QUILT project at SMH Clin Epi Rounds On behalf of the QUILT team, early findings will be presented by Ryan Brydges and Stella Ng at the SMH Clinical and Population Research Rounds. Thursday, May 23 from 12pm-1pm in Li Ka Shing Room 240 They will present their joint project: An institutional ethnography of transfers of care and consults during labour […]
2019 W. T. Aikins Award Winner

Patient as Teacher program is the 2019 W. T. Aikins Award winner Congratulations to Dr. Jory Simpson (AERO Researcher) and his Patient as Teacher program on winning the 2019 W. T. Aikins Award in the category of Excellence in Development and Use of Educational Innovations! The W. T. Aikins Award is the most prestigious Faculty of Medicine award for commitment to and excellence […]
Visiting Scholar

Visiting scholar: Dr. Sandrijn M. van Schaik, MD PhD We are pleased to welcome Dr. Van Schaik, Professor of Pediatrics Baum Family Presidential Chair for Experiential Learning Education Director, UCSF Kanbar Center for Simulation and Clinical Skills, University of California San Francisco Interprofessional Simulation to Optimize Teamwork: A Story of Fools, Feedback, Fallacies and Fantasies Date: Tuesday, […]
Meridith Marks Award Winner

Dr. Stella Ng wins Meridith Marks New Educator Award The Award This award, named in honour of Dr. Meridith Marks, recognizes individuals in the first full time phase of their educational professional career who have made a significant contribution to medical education. Learn More about the Meridith Marks New Educator Award Here. — As an […]
AERO Scientists’ featured in Toronto Star

AERO Scientists’ (Hicks & Petrosoniak) simulation work featured in Toronto Star St. Mike’s hospital trauma surgeons are using battlefield techniques to treat victims of gun violence. Read the full article published by the Toronto Star.
AERO’s first open house

As part of Research Month, AERO held an open house on Nov 15th 2018, showcasing: Dr. Jory Simpson and Emilia Kangasjarvi sharing the Patients as Teachers innovation and associated research The Centre for Faculty Development’s online supplements for education and the CACE Homecare Curriculum Jeffery Cheung’s research on how simulation can be used to help […]
AERO hires new coordinator

We are pleased to officially announce our AERO Coordinator. Ms. Farah Friesen joins us for 2 days per week to support AERO’s initiatives. Farah is a librarian with years of experience as a research coordinator at the Centre for Faculty Development. She recently had a paper accepted for publication in Academic Medicine entitled: What is this ‘impact’ we […]