Dr. Jory Simpson featured on CBC

Dr. Jory Simpson’s Patient as Teacher program featured on CBC. ‘You need heart and you need compassion’: Surgical patients teach medical students bedside manner. See the full feature published by CBC here.
AERO has launched!

Thank you to all AERO members for attending our launch event in March. We have synthesized your generous and insightful input as follows, and the updated roadmap document can be accessed here. AERO will foster applied education research at a local and regional level, aiming for scalable initiatives that will lead to national and international […]
Meridith Marks Award Winner

Dr. Ryan Brydges wins Meridith Marks New Educator Award The AwardThis award, named in honour of Dr. Meridith Marks, recognizes individuals in the firstfull time phase of their educational professional career who have made a significantcontribution to medical education. Learn More about the Meridith Marks New Educator Award Here. Recently, Ryan was awarded the Professorship […]